Honeymoon Momento
Every year when we decorate our tree, we are reminded of our honeymoon that we spent at Camp Winona in 2012. Most people probably don't...
Honeymoon Momento
2019 Moose Antler Hunt
Moose are Active Near Roads
Winner of 2 night vacation!
A fresh new start for the new year
A little piece of heaven
My Shangri-La
Off the grid vacationing!
Amazing things to see and do
Dunn Falls... on the Appalachian Trail
The Day we Saved a Fisher Cat
Baby Squirrels!
A Turtle... in the Woods??
So Many Mountains, so Little Time!
Water, water everywhere...
Off Roading in the Mountains
Moose Antler Shed Hunting
Everyone wants to see a Moose
The Best Kept Snowmobiling Secret in Maine
Snowshoeing... the Ultimate Winter Solitude Sport
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